Customized Digital & Printed Magazines

Connect with Prospects and Clients

Hundreds of Industry-Specific Magazines Available 

Financial Services • Accounting • Taxes • Mutual Funds • Universities • Non-Profits • Real Estate • Mortgage Companies • Health Care • Dentists • Doctors • Legal Services • Technology • Construction • Education • Automative • Hospitality • Travel • Fashion • Lifestyle • Agriculture • Energy • Environment • Construction • Engineering • Manufacturing • Retail • and more!


You will stand-out in the increasingly digital age 


With you or your firm’s logo on the cover, you will increase your professional brand recognition.


Whether you include the printed magazine in your handouts or email a digital copy, your clients and prospects will be impressed.


Whether you include the printed magazine in your handouts or email a digital copy, your clients and prospects will be impressed.


Who doesn’t want to be on the cover of a magazine in your industry? It will reinforce you as an industry thought leader.

Customized Digital & Printed Magazine Drives Both Leads and Referrals

Be on the Cover

Covers can consist of a photo of yourself, your firm or whatever you dream up. It includes a two-page article about you.

Increases Credibility

Establish a strong and professional brand presence by showcasing your expertise, values, and unique offerings.

A Valuable Resource

Contains key tax and financial planning information providing a resource for both clients and prospects.

Boost Visibility

Utilize both digital and print formats to reach clients and prospects through various channels, maximizing your marketing efforts and exposure

Featured Article

A featured article about you reaches your ideal target audience directly. You will resonate and engage the right prospects..

Custom Content

Professionally curated content specifically designed for your industry and business. We can create almost anything tailored to your needs. 


Stand out from the competition by offering a unique, customized magazine that demonstrates your commitment to delivering exceptional service and expertise.

Get Referrals

Encourage word-of-mouth referrals by sharing your customized magazine with others showcasing your expertise and generating referral opportunities.

By showcasing your expertise and unique offerings, our magazines serve as powerful tools to increase credibility, enhance visibility, and set you apart as a distinguished fee-only professional. Let our exceptional design work take your brand to new heights and captivate your target audience with a magazine that leaves a lasting impression.